
The Next Step Class-June 10th


Have you taken a puppy class and now you're not sure what comes next? Maybe you didn't take your puppy to a class. Maybe you did some training with him at home and find that you need more help. Does your young dog listen to you at home, but not when you're out in public? Does he "not know" the basics if company comes over? Then this is the class for you!

Are you ready to enjoy your young dog? Do you want your dog to listen the FIRST TIME, so you won't need to repeat commands over and over to him? Then sign up for "The Next Step Class".

We always limit class sizes to give you and your dog the attention you both deserve.

Find out more details about this class HERE, then contact us to reserve your place in the class.  

Early Bird Discount if you sign up before June 3rd. Don't miss out!


                                                            Will "Jeter" see you in this class?



NEW Canine Good Citizens


Congratulations to our newest Canine Good Citizens, passing and earning their Titles today!

CGC group


Thank you, Aaron Timberlake and Ole-E for being our friendly stranger and well-behaved friendly dog! Thanks also to Ben and Bugsy, along with Aaron for being part of our crowd. A few dogs were missing from today's test. Hopefully we'll see them next time!













S.T.A.R. Puppy Class - April 22


Start your puppy early. Don't wait until he is older and problems begin! Sign up NOW for BOTH the Puppy Class AND The Next Step Class to SAVE EVEN MORE!






In this class we will get you and your pup started off on the right step (the right paw) and prepare you both for the beginning of the happy life you'll want with your puppy.

This is an evening class. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: Sign up before April 14th and save. There is an even greater discount when you sign up for BOTH the Puppy Class AND The Next Step Class at the same time.  The Puppy Class will get you started, but it is only the beginning. Then what? The Next Step Class keeps you going for when your pup begins to enter the stage of his life when he'll become more independent. Plan ahead to keep him on track.

Class sizes are ALWAYS LIMITED. Contact us now to reserve your spot in the classes. Use the 'contact us' link in the menu bar at the top of the page.