Competition Obedience Classes
To showcase well-behaved dogs of all kinds, the American Kennel Club (AKC), Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) and the United Kennel Club (UKC) have each developed a competition framework. Preparing dogs for these events is a particular specialty of ours as Bonita makes attention training a top priority, a must for peak performance from the dogs.
Great Pyrenees with Focused Attention Heeling
If you have decided that these classes and the attention is what you want and are willing to work for it, I know you will be pleased with the results. Once you train one dog to ‘watch’ you will never be satisfied with anything less!
In Competition, dogs are judged based on their ability to behave well at home, in public and around other dogs. That's why this is a great class for you, even if you don't plan to participate in the events. The trials (and at our at classes) will demonstrate the dog's "ability to follow specified routines in the obedience ring and the usefulness of the dog as a companion to humankind" (AKC website)
Whether you're preparing for an event or not, these classes are a great fit if you enjoy working with your dog (s) and progressing into more advanced exercises while in the company of other dogs and handlers doing the same. It’s FUN for the dog! It’s FUN for you! Keeping your dog’s mind stimulated and body active will enhance his quality of life.
We have CLASSES and PRIVATE LESSON PROGRAMS. Not sure which is the best choice for you and your dog? Call us today, we can help you decide.
Current Class Schedule:
Monday: 6:30 pm
Tuesday: 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 12:30 pm
Thursday: 9 am
Thursday: 11:45 am
Thursday: 6:00 pm
Thursday: 7:15 pm
*New classes are added regularly, and private lessons are available. Please contact us for more information.
Accuracy and precision are important in the obedience ring but we also want to see the dog showing a willingness to perform, with happiness and enjoyment for both the owner and the dog. You are a team! There are many levels to compete in at Trials, and more have been added over the years. Our classes cover all levels from the VERY beginner dog and handler to the most advanced. Remember, in our classes you are welcome to come even if you never plan to step foot in the ring. Come and have fun learning with your dog and other classmates. All dogs are eligible to compete whether they are purebreds or not.
We cover the exercises needed for the Competition Obedience CD (Companion Dog). Heel on Leash; Figure Eight;Stand for Exam; Heel off Leash; Recall/Finish; Long Sits and Downs. Also included are the beginning stages of the Open exercises and some Utility exercises. This class is offered for students that have a basic grasp of the Novice Exercises and would follow the Beginner Novice Level Class.
This class teaches your dog to respond to the basic, beginning exercises (as needed for Competition) on the FIRST COMMAND. There is a strong emphasis on Focused Attention Heeling—your dog learns to give you 100% attention. This is for puppies and adult dogs.
Some dogs in this class may already have their Novice Title or one or two legs toward their CD, but may have also started some of the Open exercises. We will continue to work on some of the Novice exercises but with a stronger emphasis on the exercises required for the Open/CDX (Companion Dog Excellent) Title: Heel off Leash; Figure Eight; Drop on Recall; Retrieve on Flat; Retrieve over the High Jump; Out of Sight Long Sits and Downs. Time will also be spent on beginning the Utility exercises.
We will work on all the exercises needed for earning the UD (Utility Dog) Title: Signal Exercise; Directed Jumping; Scent Discrimination; Moving Stand; Directed Retrieve. Time is also spent keeping up with the Open exercises and of course, the focused attention heeling.
When competing, each Class/Level you qualify in, your dog will have a new title! The letters of that title will then be officially become part of his name. For example, once he completes the Novice Class, he will have the initials CD at the end of his name for Companion Dog.
Competition Obedience-Private Lesson Programs
This gives you the advantage of working one-on-one with me so that we can gear the training specifically to you and your dog. We can clearly see where your dog is now and what he needs without him getting 'lost' in a class. If you are not familiar with my training, this also gives you an opportunity to understand my techniques, and why/how they work to help you get the very best from your dog.
You have flexibility in scheduling, as the lessons do not need to be the same time or day every week.
Good Dog Program:
4 Private Lessons at our Training Facility (1/2 hour each)
BONUS #1 - Unlimited email and phone support during the 4 weeks
BONUS #2 - The first lesson is 1 hour long
Good Dog PLUS Program:
4 Private Lessons at our Training Facility (1/2 hour each)
Your first Group Competition Class (6 weeks) at a a Discounted Price
BONUS #1 - Unlimited email and phone support during the 4 weeks
BONUS #2 - The first lesson is 1 hour long
“I have been training my White Shepherds with Bonita since Fall of 2010. Bonita’s dedication to focus and working with distractions allowed me to fine-tune my dogs’ performance to a new level of excellence. As a result I got more consistent and reliable performances from my dogs with higher scores. In recent Trials since April 16, 2011 I’ve had scores ranging from 194 to a perfect score of 200, with six First Places, three High in Trial and one Reserve High in Trial. Thanks for your help, Bonita!"