“Liz is my eight year old Golden. She’s smart and loves to work obedience. But she is also a bit timid and noise sensitive. About a year ago I had to stop taking her to obedience class, it was a noisy place and she was stressing out and refusing to work. Fortunately a friend of mine was taking obedience from Bonita and told me how much she enjoyed the class and Bonita’s method of teaching. We started with Bonita about six months ago. After training with Bonita for this short time, I feel that Liz and I have a deeper bond and a better working relationship. I also now have a dog that is happy to come to class and train. Then there is Scout. Complete opposite of Liz. I call him my “Walmart Greeter”. I’ve had him since he was eight weeks old and we have obedience trained since the, however we’ve never had the “focus” so necessary for competition. In teaching me to hold my dog’s attention, Scout’s ability to focus is quickly improving. We all learn something new every lesson (especially me!) Thanks Bonita!” Dawn