All classes are now enrolling. Let us help you find the right one for your dog. Schedule a call for details.

Do you want the best start for your new puppy?
Does your dog ignore you, have ‘selective hearing’ or jump on company, embarrassing you and your family?
Do you wish walking together was a pleasure, and you could trust him to come when called?
Do you see potential to use her intelligence and abilities to compete or serve others?
We Can Help You!
At Communicate & Play Dog Training, our core mission is helping your dog become a better companion while you both have FUN learning new things together. All of our classes, from the youngest puppies to the highest levels of competition, draw from decades of experience (and continued study) and a variety of methods, using motivation and reinforcement to teach new exercises for keeping focus, plus increase communication between you and your dog. Once your dog fully understands what is expected, we also let him know when he's made a mistake and how to correct it.
Our approach hinges on small class sizes, and personalized, dog-specific training to give you the results you're after. You’ll get everything you need to help your dog’s “selective hearing," and you’ll have a happier home with a happier dog!
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